英 ['ɡʌvənmənt] 美 ['ɡʌvərnmənt]
n. 政府;政体;统治
administration authority charge command control direction domination establishment management rule
support a government 支持政府
communist government 共产党的政府
constitutional government 立宪政治,立宪政体
democratic government 民主政治,民主政府
national government 国家政府
aid a government 援助政府
attack a government 攻击政府
blame a government 责备政府,谴责政府
need a government 需要一个政府
operate a government 执掌国务,管理政府
strong government 强大的管理机构,强大的政府
strong-arm government 铁腕政府
aretaker government 过渡时期的政府(看守内阁)
under the government 在政府管辖下
India under British government 英国统治的印度
1、If we do not have strong government, there will be rioting and anarchy.如果我们不加强控制就会出现动乱与无政府状态。
2、Government has been entrusted to the elected politicians.选出的政治家受委托管理国家。
3、The government increased income tax to pay for defense.政府提高了所得税以支付国防开支。
4、The information is fed back to the appropriate government department.这个信息被反馈给政府的有关部门。
5、The government sent relief to the people who lost their houses in the flood.政府向水灾中流离失所的人送去了救济品。
6、The product met all requirements set by the government.该产品符合政府规定的所有标准。
7、The military government hopes to control the current of public opinion by controlling broadcasting.军政府希望借采取控制广播电台来控制舆论的趋向。
8、They accused their government of betraying the interests of the peoples.他们谴责政府出卖民族利益。
9、The military took control of the government in that country.在那个国家,军方控制了政府。