notes on the text什么意思
notes on the text的意思是:课文注释。注释内容有指明课文出处,解释题目中有关词语,说明编辑对原文是否有所删改等。
1.In this way, he has begun his own private 'telephone 'service. Notes on the text.
2.You can add or edit the text on the site, add highlights or other hand drawn notes and make adjustments to the page structure if necessary.
3.You can add notes, zoom, search on text, view the document without images and more.
4.Using notepaper or a simple text file on your laptop or tablet, indent the pages of your notes in from the left margin.
5.Avoid using combinations of text and Lotus Notes fields on the user interface.
避免在用户界面中混合使用文本和Lotus Notes字段。