blue in the face什么意思

blue in the face的意思是:气急败坏,精疲力尽;面红耳赤;徒劳无功。读音为:/bluː ɪn ðə feɪs/。


1.You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind. 你可以费尽口舌,但改变不了我的主意。

2.Talk till one is blue in the face. 说话说到某人脸色发青。

3.Tom argued with Bill untill he was blue in the face. 汤姆同比尔吵得面红耳赤。

4.We leave, he is blue in the face, dark clouds more than. 我们动身了,他脸色发青,比乌云还要阴沉。

5.I talked to him until I was blue in the face, but he wouldn't listen to me. 我和他谈话谈得面红耳赤,可是他还是不听我的。
