

复数 hooks

第三人称单数 hooks

现在分词 hooking

过去式 hooked

过去分词 hooked


1.off the hook  [口]摆脱困境;脱身

2.on the hook  陷入圈套;拖延

3.hook up  以钩钩住

4.by hook  不择手段;用尽一切方法

5.hook on  挽住手臂;迷上,着迷


1.A left hook sent him reeling. 一记左钩拳打得他踉踉跄跄。

2.He baited his hook with pie. 他把馅饼放在钓钩上作饵。

3.One of his jackets hung from a hook. 他的一件夹克衫挂在挂钩上。

4.The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table. 天花板上的钩子脱落,结果挂灯大亮着掉到了桌子上。

5.He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook and carried it beside the moving cart.他从头顶的钩子上取下输液瓶,并在移动的手推车旁提着它。
