
总是英语为:always;invariably;for ever;all the time等。


1.他们几乎总是将它弄错。They almost invariably get it wrong.

2.她对老板总是谄媚奉承。She's always crawling to the boss.

3.她对他总是逆来顺受。She'll always let him walk all over her.

4.我们并不总是这么忙!We're not always this busy!

5.他上班总是系着领带。He always wears a collar and tie for work.

6.推测未来总是很难的。It's always hard to speculate about the future.

7.那些门总是上着锁链。The doors were always locked and chained.

8.他总是乐意帮助朋友。He's always ready to help his friends.

9.她总是乐于提出建议。She's always ready with advice.

10.事情并非总是如此。This is not invariably the case.
