
声音英语是:1、voice,读音:英 /vɔɪs/、美 /vɔɪs/。2、sound,读音:英 /saʊnd/、美 /saʊnd/。

1.她的声音变小,成了耳语。Her voice fell to a whisper.

2.电话里她的声音听着发颤。Her voice sounded shaky on the phone.

3.街对面有个声音招呼我们。A voice hailed us from the other side of the street.

4.演员必须学会放开声音。Actors must learn to project their voices.

5.电话里的声音清晰洪亮。The voice on the phone was clear and strong.

6.上校的声音几乎听不见。The Colonel's voice was barely audible.

7.她讲话的声音轻柔甜美。Her voice was soft and cajoling.

8.山谷里回荡着他的声音。The valley echoed back his voice.
