
三月四日英语是:March 4th


1.Ernest Gary Gygax, a dungeon master, died on March 4th, aged 69. 地下城城主欧内斯特·加里·吉盖克斯于三月四日去世,享年69岁。

2.Simon van der Meer, tamer of subatomic particles, died on March 4th, aged 85. 亚原子粒子的降服者西蒙·范德·梅尔于3月4日逝世,享年85岁。

3.The findings appear in the March 4th issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.这些研究结果发表于美国国家癌症研究所3月4日的期刊上。

4.EPTA Meeting: Friday, March 4th, 1:30pm at room 118. Homeroom representatives please come. 英文部家委会会议:3月4日星期五,下午1:30于118室。各班家委会代表请前来参加。

5.On March 4th, Vlad the Deployer 1.3 was released and announced on the Polishing Ruby weblog. 本月4号,知名的Ruby博客宣布部署工具Vlad 1.3发布了。
